Developing A Credible Climate Transition Plan

Developing A Credible Climate Transition Plan

With the increased scrutiny on transition planning, it is important to consider what a credible Climate Transition Plan entails and how the term and expectations are evolving. Read this article to learn about the gold standard framework by the Transition Plan Taskforce and the first steps you should take to develop a credible Climate Transition Plan.

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The Advantage of Adaptive & Resilient Supply Chains

The Advantage of Adaptive & Resilient Supply Chains

Companies that proactively manage their supply chain’s emissions and climate-related risks will have an advantage as global regulations, investor preference, and consumer behavior shift towards a decarbonized economy. Read this post to learn more about the benefits of supply chain resiliency.

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Countdown to Cop27: Emphasis on Climate Transition Plans

Countdown to Cop27: Emphasis on Climate Transition Plans

Companies, cities, and nations will be asked to develop and report on decarbonization strategies toward their net-zero, or most importantly, their real-zero, targets. COP27 is sure to put the spotlight on actionable Decarbonization Plans that rely on verifiable data. Read this post on how to develop a Climate Transition Plan and for lessons learned from successful Climate Transition Plans.

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