The GRI Reporters' Summit North America comes back in 2018 with a practical and interactive program.
This unique one-day symposium offers practical solutions, support and networking for sustainability reporting professionals. A variety of workshops will be available, providing expert reporting guidance on important topics such as human rights, climate change, the Sustainable Development Goals and supply chain reporting.
The event is specifically for professionals who direct and manage the sustainability reporting function within their organizations. Participants will learn specific tools, case studies and practical solutions, to be a more effective steward of sustainability management and reporting.
For more information please visit:
"Sustainability Reporting and the Growing Regulatory Environment"
- Pamela Griesemer, M.S., ISO Auditor, LEED, Vice President, Sustainability Services, KERAMIDA Inc.
- M. Smith Esq., Delaware State Representative, Richards Layton & Finger
- C. Johnson, Associate, Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP