Carbon Footprint Analysis & GHG Reduction Strategies for Global Flooring Manufacturer

Project Details:

KERAMIDA completed a carbon footprint analysis for a leading global flooring manufacturer Client. The carbon footprint included Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions for all their domestic and international office space and warehouses. Also included in the analysis were two of their factories in China.

GHG Emissions Reduction Strategies

As part of the carbon footprint determination, KERAMIDA conducted a statistical analysis to determine sources or locations that are major contributors to the total carbon footprint. Identifying sources with significant GHG emissions is the first step to determine appropriate and effective GHG mitigation measures. By determining these emissions sources and activities, KERAMIDA provided further analysis to determine methods for GHG reductions. Through our comprehensive understanding of the Client’s business operations, KERAMIDA was able to give this manufacturer targeted GHG emissions reduction recommendations.

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