Energy Efficiency & GHG Reductions Program Development for City of Mansfield, Ohio

Project Details:

Facility Assessment and Engineering Assistance

KERAMIDA worked with the Engineering Department of the City of Mansfield to develop an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy (EECS), formalizing its goals of cutting municipal energy costs, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and educating its employees and the community about energy conservation best practices.

KERAMIDA performed an energy audit of Mansfield’s Municipal Operations to identify and prioritize capital projects based on their potential for maximizing energy efficiency, job creation, and GHG emissions avoided. In addition, the municipal buildings’ energy use, equipment schedules, and shutdown procedures were reviewed during the project. The audit identified opportunities in effective shutdown programs to ensure that production equipment and lighting are turned off on downshifts to reduce energy consumption. The audit, furthermore, provided facility improvements in lighting retrofits, HVAC control system upgrades, elevator drive replacement, and window replacement. The projects were analyzed using data obtained from Mansfield energy purchases and site data.

A total annual cost savings potential of 20% was identified by properly implementing the identified projects.

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