Energy & GHG Reductions and Water Conservation Planning for Indianapolis Department of Waterworks
Project Details:
Energy Audits
KERAMIDA performed an energy use audit of all operations related to the intake, treatment, and distribution of drinking water for the Indianapolis, IN drinking water system. The audit identified opportunities to reduce electrical energy consumption and GHG, reduce operating costs, and improve the carbon footprint of the supply of drinking water to the residents and businesses of the City of Indianapolis.
The audit included evaluation of 3 years of energy use data, evaluations for maximizing pump efficiency, data gathering on energy specifications for key equipment, identification of energy efficiency opportunities, and evaluations of cost, return on investment, and energy savings on capital project improvements. Based on the information gathered from the energy audit and the subsequent analysis of data, and on KERAMIDA’s knowledge of energy savings projects for water treatment facilities, recommendations were offered in the areas of:
Management Commitment
Pump and Electric Motor Energy Projects
Central Control Systems
Micro-Hydrokinetic Generators
Lighting Upgrades
Solar and Wind Technologies
Peak Shaving
Power Rate Structure
Facility Assessment and Gap Analysis - Water Conservation Program Evaluation and Green Building Initiatives
KERAMIDA drafted a Department of Waterworks Board resolution, which passed by the Board on its first reading, that required future construction of department-owned buildings to be designed to high-performance Green Building standards. KERAMIDA also performed an evaluation of the Department’s Water Conservation Program, the status of similar programs in the nation, and current U.S. incentives and certification programs. KERAMIDA provided recommendations on the development of new Department of Waterworks residential and business water conservation incentives and certification programs. The programs targeted high water users, new construction, and golf course landscaping.
Related Services:
KERAMIDA helps cities and educational institutions identify and implement forward-thinking sustainability strategies that create thriving communities and campuses that work for everyone. Our professionals evaluate your operations to develop methods to reduce your carbon footprint and draft a Climate Action Plan to effectively guide the implementation of emissions reduction strategies.
KERAMIDA offers a wide variety of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) services to clients worldwide, including multi-facility industrial clients, industrial associations, law firms, and state organizations. Our experienced team of GHG experts provide carbon footprint evaluations, GHG inventories, GHG monitoring plans, and training.