Environmental Due Diligence for a Multinational Pharmaceutical Company


KERAMIDA provided environmental due diligence services for a Fortune 200 multinational pharmaceutical company.

Project Details:

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment:

KERAMIDA performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) on two of the Client’s office buildings. The Phase I determined the presence of Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) based on historical commercial and industrial uses of the site. It was determined that vapor intrusion (VI) posed a potential concern at the site.

Phase II Environmental Site Investigation:

Based upon the findings of the Phase I, KERAMIDA contracted with the Client again to perform the subsequent two-tiered Phase II Environmental Site Investigation. Initial testing of the site in analyzing groundwater, indoor air, soil, and sub-slab air determined the presence of tetrachloroethene (PCE) and numerous other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) above screening levels. Based on these initial findings, KERAMIDA installed 16 additional permanent monitoring wells to delineate the extent of contamination on the property. Ultimately, sampling results and soil type at the site indicated that the extent of contamination was limited enough in scope so as not to require additional remediation. This determination was based on KERAMIDA’s expertise in delineating contaminant plumes.

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