Environmental Study for Hoosier Energy
Project Details:
KERAMIDA contracted with power generator Hoosier Energy to perform a regulated materials assessment, a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), and Phase II Environmental Site Investigation at the Frank E. Ratts generating station, a coal-fired power plant on the banks of the White River. KERAMIDA also generated a health and safety plan for the project.
The regulated materials assessment tested for the presence of lead, asbestos, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). PCB wipes were used on materials suspected of containing PCBs, and drill cores of potentially affected concrete were taken, which resulted in KERAMIDA generating a Hazardous Materials Report (HMI) for the site.
Additionally, KERAMIDA performed an asbestos inspection as well as an inspection for lead-based paint (LBP). Subsequently, a Phase I ESA performed at the site indicated three recognized environmental conditions (RECs) related to historical use of the site and potential impacts from off-site sources.
The Phase II Investigation was performed that specifically focused on subsurface soil and groundwater quality based on potential effects from RECs identified in the Phase I. Hand-augering, hand-shoveling, and a GeoProbe drill rig were utilized in the collection of samples. Ultimately, KERAMIDA’s work led to a continuing relationship with Hoosier Energy on future projects based on our expertise shown at the site area and in the environmental field in general.
Related Services:
KERAMIDA is a trusted provider of testing and remediation management services for asbestos, mold, and lead. Our team has extensive experience with mold inspections, mold testing and removal management, indoor air quality sampling and monitoring, asbestos inspections and removal oversight, lead testing and abatement.
KERAMIDA is a leading provider of environmental, health & safety audits for manufacturing facilities in various industries. Our EHS auditors have over 20 years of experience performing multi-facility audits quickly, including Environmental audits, OSHA audits, ISO audits, PSM audits, Energy Use audits, and TSCA audits.
KERAMIDA is a leading health and safety services firm with decades of EHS experience. We help companies manage risk, assure OSHA compliance, and improve health & safety performance. We are experts in silica exposure, H&S program development, ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety MS, audits, and training.