FastTrack® Environmental Management System for Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

Rose-Hulman Campus

Rose-Hulman Campus

Project Details:

KERAMIDA implemented its customized Environmental Management System setup method known as FastTrack® for Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (RHIT). The program followed a proven step-by-step managed process and created a fully documented EMS ready for implementation in 3 months. KERAMIDA performed the following steps unique to RHIT to achieve the Client’s specific desires for the final EMS. 

  • Reviewed existing documents that were part of the current environmental management system at RHIT. Documents such as air permits, spill prevention plans, emergency response plans, waste management procedures, sampling and analysis, and inspections were all reviewed in detail.

  • Reviewed additional existing procedures such as training programs, document control, roles and responsibilities, key performance indicators, corrective actions, and auditing.

  • Identified the goals for full implementation of the EMS. For example,

    • Increased compliance assurance

    • More consistent and complete communication of EMS roles and responsibilities

    • Better management of change

    • Better control of documentation

    • Increased inclusion of campus operations within the EMS

An understanding of the primary goals for the EMS allowed KERAMIDA to use a customized EMS development approach and timeline. We identified the gaps in the existing EMS documentation and practices that needed to be addressed in order to meet RHIT goals. Based on the results of the above activities, KERAMIDA provided an EMS development & implementation plan and timeline RHIT.  While the plan was customized to RHIT, KERAMIDA kept in mind that a "simple plan is the best plan.” The implementation plan followed the general FastTrack® structure, and all services were directed by qualified ISO 14001 Lead Auditors.

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