GHG Reduction & Energy Savings Program Development for City of New Albany, Indiana

Project Details:

KERAMIDA provided policy development services to the City of New Albany for energy and GHG reductions related to a Federal Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG). Grant funds were directed toward developing an Energy Management System focused on maximizing cost-savings and minimizing GHG emissions associated with the City operations’ energy use, including electricity, natural gas, and fuel (Phase 1), and to develop and implement a pilot Energy Audit Program (Phase 2).

Development of City Policies for Energy Use and Conservation, and GHG Reductions by Municipal Operations

In close collaboration with the New Albany Department of Community Development, KERAMIDA developed a city-wide Energy Management System for the City of New Albany. The New Albany Energy Management System focused on maximizing cost-savings and minimizing GHG and the environmental impacts associated with the City operations’ energy use, including electricity, natural gas, and fuel. The Management System, along with a City-Wide Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy (EECS), was developed by KERAMIDA using our proprietary FastTrack® process for the development of Management Systems. The Management System was built on a foundation of Internal Policies for Municipal Energy Use and Conservation, the formalization of which was facilitated by KERAMIDA's staff.

Development of Policies for Implementation of Energy Audit Program

KERAMIDA assisted the City of New Albany with developing policies for an energy audit program through funding provided by the Energy Efficiency Community Block Grant. This included program policy development and delivery of a residential and commercial energy audit program provided as a municipal service. The development and implementation approach to this pilot Energy Audit Program serves as a working model for replication across other appropriate City programs. The goals of this pilot program included auditing an estimated 20 houses and 5 commercial structures representing a variety of construction types and occupancy.

Facility Assessment and Energy Use Planning - Energy FastTrack® Management System

KERAMIDA developed a city-wide Energy Management System for the City of New Albany, using KERAMIDA’s proprietary FastTrack® process for the development of Management Systems. The New Albany Energy Management System focused on maximizing cost-savings and minimizing GHG and the environmental impacts associated with the City operations’ energy use, including electricity, natural gas, and fuel. The Management System, along with a City-Wide Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy (EECS), was developed by KERAMIDA using funds allocated to the City of New Albany under the Federal Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) in close collaboration with the New Albany Department of Community Development. The Management System was built on a foundation of Internal Policies for Municipal Energy Use and Conservation, the formalization of which was facilitated by KERAMIDA's staff.

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