GHG Reduction & Energy Savings Program for City of Indianapolis



In 2009, KERAMIDA conceived of an innovative and effective pilot program for neighborhood-scale energy efficiency retrofits of structures and greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction. KERAMIDA developed the project concept and structure, formed the core partners group necessary to confirm commitments and identify leveraged funds, and completed all aspects of the project scope details, budget requirements, and timeline. KERAMIDA secured the funding to prepare the grant application from the Indiana DOE and completed the U.S. DOE Retro-fit Ramp-up Grant Application on behalf of the City of Indianapolis, working in close collaboration with the City and key stakeholders.

Project Details:

$10M Retrofit Ramp-up Grant from the U.S. DOE (2010)

KERAMIDA’s grant application for the City of Indianapolis was awarded a $10M grant, one of only 25 grants awarded nationally by the U.S. DOE. The grant program encompassed the Near Eastside of Indianapolis and affected 20 neighborhoods for energy use and GHG reductions with renovations to homes, businesses, and non-profits. The program resulted in energy reductions and cost savings to be enjoyed by the entire community, the creation of local jobs, a significant reduction in GHG, and development of energy efficiency program infrastructure that can be replicated in other areas of Indiana and the US.

Facility Assessment

KERAMIDA’s certified Building Performance Institute Building Analysts conducted quality assurance and control audits to ensure optimal residential energy assessments were performed, in addition to advocating communication among program partners and residents to continually improve program implementation.

Facility Auditing

KERAMIDA teamed with GoodCents (Energizing Indiana) to conduct the residential energy audits. As part of the Energizing Indiana initiative, both Indianapolis Power and Light Company (IPL) and Citizens Gas participated in the energy reduction initiative by providing utility data and financial support for additional attic insulation for qualified residents. KERAMIDA managed the coordination of these entities to keep the program moving forward.

Indy-east Asset Development (I-AD) also worked with KERAMIDA and the City and was responsible for the recruitment of participants from the Near Eastside Neighborhood. Buildings accepted into the program received a free energy evaluation, certain immediate energy saving measures, and energy efficiency upgrades of up to $1,500 for residents and $2,000 for small businesses, based on the energy evaluation recommendations. The targeted nature of the sweep maximized the cost effectiveness of labor. This program completed hundreds of energy evaluations and upgrades and many homeowners have gone on to complete additional upgrades with assistance from the EcoHouse loan program.

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