Sustainability Data Services for Fortune 200 Company

Project Overview:

KERAMIDA was retained by a Fortune 200 company in 2019, and again in 2020, to support the preparation of sustainability reports and ongoing sustainability data management.

Project Details:

Sustainability Reporting Consulting:

The database of environmental information from all of this Client’s global facilities was utilized to consolidate, check, and present data for a third-party data assurance audit. This dataset was then used to assist in the preparation of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) and CDP climate and water disclosures, as well as sustainability reporting in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework. The varying sustainability reporting frameworks embodied by CDP, DJSI and GRI required several different analytical approaches. KERAMIDA was able to understand, implement and refine the Client’s existing calculation methods, using the raw data to answer the specific questions posed by CDP, GRI and DJSI. KERAMIDA scored the Client’s most recent CDP climate disclosure and provided feedback throughout the completion of the 2019 disclosure.

Data Conversion and Validation:

The work that KERAMIDA performed to facilitate the disclosure of key environmental metrics was extended into a broader validation initiative. KERAMIDA used historic environmental data to test methods for automatically checking and flagging anomalous entries. An extensive historic variance analysis was prepared by site, environmental indicator, region, season, and time period using a series of approaches to determine which method(s) would be best-suited to evaluating future data. Methods and variance thresholds were set based on this work for inclusion in the Client’s data management software as data checks.

KERAMIDA also assisted with the implementation of a system that integrated utility invoices into the Client’s environmental database. Invoice data had previously been processed manually, consuming a significant amount of time and creating opportunities for human error. KERAMIDA automated the majority of the data conversion and validation process by devising a system that filtered questionable or duplicate data points for further review and/or exclusion, resulting in a reduction of task time requirements by 90 percent.

Once a quick and reliable way of converting the data had been devised, KERAMIDA designed another tool to compare the invoiced costs and usage of energy, waste, and water to sites in the environmental data management system. This tool identified discrepancies in the datasets, allowing the Client to implement and apply targeted data quality measures to individual sites or their invoice management group.

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