TCFD Disclosure and Climate Scenario Analysis for ED&F Man Commodities

Project Details:

ED&F Man Commodities is one of the world’s leading providers of soft commodities. The Company sources, stores, processes, ships, and distributes a range of products, including sugar, coffee, molasses, animal feed, and fish oils.

KERAMIDA assisted ED&F Man with its inaugural TCFD disclosure and with the development of three individual Climate Action Plans for each of its Divisions: ED&F Man Liquid Products (MLP), ED&F Man Sugar, and ED&F Man Volcafe.

KERAMIDA conducted stakeholder engagement to identify and prioritize climate-related risks and opportunities to inform each of the Client’s Climate Action Plan. KERAMIDA also worked with ED&F Man subject matter experts to draft its TCFD disclosure. KERAMIDA identified gaps and worked with a cross functional ED&F Man team to resolve or explain gaps.

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