Kristen Belcredi, P.E., C.H.M.M., ISO Auditor
Senior Vice President, Compliance Engineering & ISO Services
Kristen Belcredi joined KERAMIDA in 1993, and currently serves as Senior Vice President of Air & Engineering Services, where she is responsible for leading, managing, and providing technical oversight to KERAMIDA's team of engineers. Ms. Belcredi advises clients on Management Systems; environmental engineering; permitting and compliance; sustainability programs; pollution control technology; energy management; green product certification; sustainable packaging; and carbon and water footprinting. Ms. Belcredi also works with clients on development, implementation and auditing of environmental, health & safety and sustainability Management Systems using KERAMIDA’s proprietary FastTrack® process - a system Ms. Belcredi personally developed which focuses on a client’s unique attributes and creates a customized Management System ready for certification in 3-4 months. Ms. Belcredi also provides technical guidance on regulatory applicability, Management Systems and product certifications, environmental permitting, reuse opportunities, and pollution prevention. In addition, she provides training on EHS compliance requirements, ISO auditing, and best management practices.
Ms. Belcredi is active in numerous professional associations and is former Chair of the Air and Waste Management Association, Indiana Chapter. She has been appointed and serves on the External Advisory Board of the Purdue School of Environmental and Ecological Engineering. She serves on the Indiana Partners for Pollution Prevention Executive Committee and she is a committee member of the American Foundry Society’s Waste, Water, and Air Committees. Ms. Belcredi is co-author of a Spill Response and Reporting Manual and a regular lecturer at regional and national conferences.
Ms. Belcredi is a Registered Professional Engineer in many states, and a graduate of Purdue University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemical Engineering.
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Get to know Kristen Belcredi, P.E., C.H.M.M., ISO Auditor, KERAMIDA’s Senior Vice President of Air & Engineering Services.
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