Senate Bill Update: Growing Climate Solutions Act of 2021


Proposed Senate Bill 1251 was introduced to the 117th Congress on April 20, 2021 by Senator Mike Braun (R-IN). More commonly known as the “Growing Climate Solutions Act of 2021,” S1251 outlines authorization by the USDA to develop a program to facilitate greater participation of farmers, ranchers, and private forest landowners in voluntary environmental credit markets and overcoming barriers to their entry into such markets.

The bill outlines improvements in propagating information to program participants looking to implement practices that capture carbon, reduce emissions, improve soil health, and make their operations more sustainable. A few of the possible covered activities include:

  • land and soil carbon sequestration

  • on-farm energy generation

  • livestock emissions reductions

  • fertilizer emissions reduction

Additionally, the program would establish a third-party verification system to support the open credit markets and hints at a catch-all website hosted by USDA for educational outreach to support program participants.

The proposed bill has 47 cosponsors from across the political aisle and from all points across the country.

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Nick McCreary, M.S., LEED AP BD+C
Senior Vice President, Sustainability

Contact Nick at