City of Kent Climate Action Plan Kick-Off Highlights
/KERAMIDA’s Team (From Left): Nick McCreary, Emilee Brown, Amber Greaney, Maddy Williams
Congratulations to our Sustainability Team on a great on-site week in Kent, Ohio! KERAMIDA is currently assisting the City of Kent, Ohio with developing a Climate Action Plan (CAP), and to kick off the project, four of our professionals spent the week in Kent:
Nick McCreary, MS, LEED AP, Senior Sustainability Manager
Emilee Brown, GRI Certified Professional, Sustainability Analyst
Amber Greaney, MPA, LEED GA, Sustainability Analyst
Maddy Williams, Project Engineer, Climate Services
Some key highlights included facilitating over 14 community SME interviews, a city council presentation, a public engagement session, and over 100 preliminary mitigation initiatives identified for the Kent community.
Below, are two articles published about the public engagement session:
Kent residents give input to firm hired to craft climate action plan (
KERAMIDA’s team with the Mayor of Kent, Jerry Fiala:
From Left: Maddy Williams (KERAMIDA); Nick McCreary (KERAMIDA); Jerry Fiala, Mayor of Kent, ohio; Emilee Brown (KERAMIDA); Amber Greaney (KERAMIDA)
KERAMIDA & City of Kent team members with community participants at the CAP Public Engagement Session:
The City of Kent & KERAMIDA: Climate Action Plan Public Engagement Session team - members & participants