I-69 Highway Construction Owner’s Rep for EHS Compliance
(photo: i69section5.org)
I-69 Section 5 (photo: aztec.us)
The I-69 Section 5 project involved rehabilitating and upgrading 21 miles of the existing four lane State Road 37 in Morgan and Monroe counties to interstate standards. KERAMIDA served as the owner’s rep for the Indiana Finance Authority (IFA) and the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) during the five year construction project. KERAMIDA’s duties included overseeing the health & safety of the entire project and its team of contractors, and performing all environmental compliance and Karst monitoring.
Project Details:
For the I-69 Section 5 phase of construction, KERAMIDA provided dedicated professionals serving as Environmental Compliance Manager, Erosion and Sediment Control Manager, Karst Specialist, and Safety Manager. Our diversely talented group of professionals was on-site daily during the five years of construction.
The Environmental Compliance Manager (ECM) was tasked with developing, deploying, reviewing and maintaining environmental protection and sustainability activities for I-69. Our ECM provided advice, training, and guidance on environmental and sustainability issues during design and construction. Ultimately, KERAMIDA’s ECM was responsible for the developer’s compliance with all environmental commitments and conditions of Environmental Approvals required for the project, and was on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year as part of the Emergency Response Team.
KERAMIDA's ECM was tasked with monitoring and maintaining compliance with the following permits and environmental plans:
Section 401 Water Quality Certification
Section 404 Permit of the Clean Water Act
National Pollution Discharge Elimination System
Isolated Wetlands
Construction in a Floodway
Rule 5 Stormwater
Karst MOU (1993) and Section 5 Karst MOU (2013)
Tall Structure Permit
Class V Injection Well Permit
Forest Mitigation Plan
Noxious Weed Control Plan
Spill Prevention Plan
Hazardous Materials Management Plan
Karst Emergency Response Plan
Karst Water Quality Monitoring and Maintenance Plan
Blasting and Vibration Monitoring
Nutrient Management Plan

KERAMIDA’s Karst Specialist (KS) is a licensed professional geologist who performed field checks to confirm the presence of karst features identified in the Final Environmental Impact Statement and to determine if unidentified features were present. Additionally, the KS provided expert advice in determination of treatment for karst features and provided the oversight for the implementation of treatments.
The Erosion and Sediment Control Manager (EM) was responsible for developing Erosion Control Plans that complied with all environmental, erosion and sediment control measures. KERAMIDA’s EM established quality control checkpoints at various stages of construction to ensure stormwater compliance.
The most overarching project role was KERAMIDA’s on-site Safety Manager (SM) who was responsible for the health and safety of the entire construction group of contractors and served as the owner’s rep for the IFA and INDOT. The Safety Manager developed, maintained, and managed health and safety activities for the entire project. The Safety Manager was responsible for approval of the safety plan and safety standards. Safety is a top priority for our clients, and for us.
As the project continued, KERAMIDA’s responsibilities grew to encompass providing coordination and reporting for the project’s Karst Water Quality Monitoring Program, showing our competency and the trust that our client placed with KERAMIDA staff as indispensable partners.
Related Services:
KERAMIDA is a leading health and safety services firm with decades of EHS experience. We help companies manage risk, assure OSHA compliance, and improve health & safety performance. We are experts in silica exposure, H&S program development, ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety MS, audits, and training.