Our team of certified, nationally recognized experts provide stormwater inspections, consulting and training to clients nationwide.
Our Stormwater Services include:
Stormwater Inspections
Clean Water Act Compliance
MS4 Program Support and Compliance
NPDES Stormwater Consulting and Compliance
NPDES Stormwater Permitting Assistance
Stormwater Monitoring & Analysis
Stormwater Best Management Practice (BMP) Design & Oversight
Stormwater Management Program Development & Implementation
Stormwater Compliance Services
Regulatory Enforcement Action Assistance / Services
Annual Compliance Reporting and Training
Annual Comprehensive Site Compliance Evaluations
What our Stormwater Management clients are saying:
“This was one of the best, if not the best, summary I’ve seen/attended on TMDLs and TSOs – please pass along my compliments for the really excellent work to the KERAMIDA team!”
“A better business partner I have yet to meet. You are an asset to your organization & I value our business relationship, your counsel means much.”
“I can’t thank you enough for your help on this; you guys have been great to work with.”
“The employees that I have worked with at KERAMIDA have been extremely helpful.”
Stormwater BMP Design & Oversight
Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) work to not only reduce flooding but to protect and preserve the quality of our downstream aquatic resources. Stormwater BMPs help to reduce stormwater runoff, which decreases sediment and nutrient transport, prevents streambank erosion, and recharges groundwater. As land development increases throughout the U.S. and government regulators continue to tighten standards, effective stormwater management practices are crucial not only for compliance but also for protecting our aquatic resources.
Land Development and Stormwater Design
KERAMIDA offers complete professional engineering stormwater services, including the calculation and design of rain runoff, detention, infiltration, diversion, water quality, and stormwater sewage system discharge to meet all local, state, and federal requirements using an extensive library of stormwater BMPs and bioengineering. Our stormwater calculations can be used to meet MS4, NPDES, FERC, General Construction Permitting (GCP), and other permitting and regulatory requirements.
Stormwater Facilities Inventory and Mapping
An effective stormwater management plan starts with deep knowledge of your assets and infrastructure. KERAMIDA uses all available data and resources to field locate, identify, and map all your stormwater management assets in order to create a practical stormwater management database to use for future planning and record keeping.
Stormwater Management Facilities Inspections
Our certified stormwater professionals will inspect your stormwater management facility highlighting any deficiencies that the facility may have in order to maintain compliance and ensure the facility’s optimal operation. During these inspections, we will also recommend preventative maintenance measures that could help you avoid large, costly repairs in the future.
Action Plan, Maintenance, and Remediation
Once inspections are complete, we can determine and prioritize which facilities will require maintenance and remediation based on their condition detailed in the inspection report. Our trained stormwater management professionals have the experience and knowledge to get your facilities in compliance and functioning as intended.
Ongoing Maintenance Plan
After the initial inspections and maintenance are complete, we can design an ongoing annual inspection and maintenance plan that is tailored for your facility and will work best for compliance, functionality, and aesthetics.
KERAMIDA’s Stormwater Certifications include:
Qualified Industrial Storm Water Practitioners (QISPs)
Construction General Permit Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP)
Qualified SWPPP Developers (QSDs)
California IGP Trainers of Record (IGP ToR)
Certified Professional in Stormwater Quality (CPSWQ)
Certified Erosion, Sediment and Stormwater Inspector (CESSWI™)
Certified Inspector of Sediment and Erosion Control - In-Training (CISEC-IT)
Qualified Preparer of Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans - Construction (QPSWPPP)
Qualified Compliance Inspector of Stormwater - Construction (QCIP)
Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Inspector - Commonwealth of Virginia State Water Control Board
Virginia Stormwater Management Inspector - Commonwealth of Virginia State Water Control Board
Stormwater Management & Enforcement
KERAMIDA has provided assistance to hundreds of industrial and municipal clients in the preparation and negotiation of NPDES permit applications, stormwater management strategies, and the preparation of SWPPP and SPCC plans. KERAMIDA has also provided extensive evaluation of stormwater management and discharges, facility expansions, and past practices, and has provided litigation support in a multi-million dollar U.S. EPA enforcement case.
Our professionals have received intensive training on stormwater sampling methodology and have conducted the sampling and prepared the necessary applications on behalf of numerous industrial clients, as well as trained industrial representatives for sample collection. Our Los Angeles and Sacramento stormwater professionals are experts in providing stormwater compliance services to businesses in California.
Stormwater Sampling Guidance
Stormwater pH sampling
KERAMIDA will work with you to choose the best sampling location.
Your facility should be sampling from locations that best represent its industrial operations. It is best to regularly evaluate your sampling locations as your industrial operations grow and evolve. Since you know your site the best, KERAMIDA will work with you to find the best sampling locations since a collaborative effort better ensures representative sampling results.
Stormwater Sampling Case Studies:
Die Casting Facility: The previous sampling location was within an employee parking lot, which increased the amount of O&G, TSS, pH, and metal particulates in their sampling results. KERAMIDA collaborated with the client to move the sampling location to the Western portion of the facility, which better represented its industrial processes. The facility is now back in Baseline.
Stamping Plant: The previous sampling location was at the end of a non-industrial parking lot, which accumulated particulates from nearby dumpsters and storage, and was also prone to aerial deposition from a nearby airport. KERAMIDA worked with the facility to move the sampling location to the gates leading to the parking lot, which properly represented their industrial processes. The facility is now on its way back to Baseline.
Sustainable Stormwater Solutions
In more and more states and municipalities, sustainable options for long-term stormwater compliance are becoming available in the regulations. KERAMIDA’s experienced stormwater engineers and professionals can assist clients with stormwater infiltration systems and other sustainable stormwater solutions.
Subsurface Infiltration Systems
Stormwater infiltration systems capture or retain stormwater from a site and direct the water to subsurface infiltration fields. This process significantly reduces or eliminates discharges of stormwater to surface waters. Properly engineered, planned, implemented and managed, this option has the added benefit of recharging area groundwater.
SWPPP Development and Modification
KERAMIDA’s stormwater professionals are experts in developing effective Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) that are easy to understand and implement. Our experienced staff also provides comprehensive site-specific SWPPP training to facility personnel.
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Content
In many states, the content of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is specified in the regulations, known as the Industrial General Permit. The SWPPP must contain certain elements, including:
Identification and detailed description of potential pollutant sources
Stormwater monitoring and sampling plan, which includes:
The pollutants that will be analyzed in the stormwater
The location of sampling locations and drainage areas that flow to those locations
How samples will be collected
Analytical methods and exceptions.
Identification of the receiving water and any impairments
Associated Best Management Practices (BMPs)
Chosen to mitigate or eliminate the impact to stormwater discharge from those sources
The Pollution Prevention Team and the role(s) of each person on the team
How does KERAMIDA develop the best SWPPP for your site?
Each facility is unique, so obtaining a “whole-picture” view of a site is key. Our stormwater professionals begin each project with a site visit to:
Conduct a thorough walk-through to gain a critical understanding of the entire site
Observe and note how stormwater moves across the site
Determine how facility operations can impact the quality of the water that is discharged from the site.
By gaining a deep understanding of the site, KERAMIDA’s professionals are able to help facilities maintain their operations while successfully minimizing or eliminating industrial impact to discharge stormwater.
California IGP Stormwater Compliance
California's Industrial General Permit (IGP) was amended in 2015 to drastically change the storm water monitoring and reporting requirements for covered facilities. This meant that facilities previously covered by the permit had to dramatically change their storm water management program, a feat that complicates a facility's already busy schedule and duties.
KERAMIDA helps a broad range of industrial facilities to reach compliance under the IGP and to establish effective storm water compliance plans - where a complete overhaul of preexisting storm water programs is often necessary. Learn more about our California IGP Stormwater Compliance Consulting ›
Virginia DEQ Streamlined Plan Review
As a way for the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to improve the plan review process for stormwater management (SWM) and erosion & sediment control (ESC), they have proposed a streamlined review. This streamlined review process requires that the plans be reviewed and approved by persons with an active Dual Combined Administrator (DCA) certification for both SWM and ESC. Along with this, the plans will still need to be sealed by a Professional Engineer who is licensed in Virginia.
In circumstances where DEQ is the Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) authority or the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Program (VESCP) authority, they have developed a schedule to provide clarity regarding the review process.
When SWM or ESC Plans are submitted, DEQ will review the Plan Submission Checklist for completeness within 15 days of receipt. If DEQ determines that the SWM/ESC plan meets the Plan Submission Checklist in full, then the SWM/ESC Plans will be deemed approved 60 days after the determination of completeness is communicated to the applicant.
If DEQ does not notify the applicant of a completeness decision within 15 days of receipt of the plan set containing the Plan Submission Checklist, then the plans will be deemed approved 60 days after receipt of the plans.
To find out more about the improved plan review process, we recommend you refer to DEQ's guidance memo and contact us for next steps.
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KERAMIDA's Sacramento and L.A. offices provide Sustainability, Environmental, Health and Safety services tailored to meet the needs of California business and industry. Our Qualified Industrial Storm Water Practitioners (QISPs) assist with stormwater compliance, industrial stormwater permitting, SWPPPs, and more.