Stormwater Compliance Plan for California Metal Fabricator
KERAMIDA’s Northern California stormwater professionals were hired by a heavy fabrication and machine shop to help their facility implement an effective stormwater compliance plan in order to comply with California's Industrial General Permit (IGP). The fabrication shop is within the East Bay Industrial Corridor and is a member of the Metals Industry Storm Water Group (MISWG), for which KERAMIDA serves as Group Leader, assisting 40 industrial facilities with their stormwater compliance programs.
Project Details:
In June 2017, KERAMIDA was retained independently by the facility to assist with the development and implementation of their stormwater compliance program, due to the relationship built through MISWG collaboration. KERAMIDA and the facility worked together to determine the best compliance strategies that were both effective at reducing industrial impacts to stormwater and cost-effective.
The facility reported improved sampling results after adjusting their outside storage of raw materials and finished products, and implementing Best Management Practices (BMPs) such as sweeping and installing inserts and wattles equipped with filter media in and around the storm drain inlets.
Senior Project Manager Jodie Crandell explaining to client how wattles filter storm water during a storm event.
Project Manager Lauren Wallace Misenti studies site documents during discussion with client about storm water BMPs.
As the program progressed, collaboration between KERAMIDA and the facility was vital when it came to the improved sample results. Our stormwater professionals collaborated with the CEO, plant manager, and a variety of other personnel departments to create a compliance program that best suited the facility and its staff.
KERAMIDA’s Key Actions:
Developed a stormwater training plan to be updated annually and presented on-site to 15-20 staff members
Worked with the CEO and plant manger to ensure BMPs were worked into existing staff schedules for maximum efficiency
Researched and recommended a more effective filtering media for the facility’s storm drain inserts and wattles, which aided in improving sample results
Maintained consistent communication with the CEO and plant manager throughout the rainy season and conducted site visits at the request of the facility
Produced comprehensive IGP-required reports, including a Level 1 Technical Report and Level 2 Action Plan that illustrated the efforts the facility was taking to comply with the program and minimize impacts to stormwater
Value to the Client:
The facility has moved back into Baseline for all parameters.
Movement back to Baseline means the facility will save $5,000/year in reduced compliance requirements such as producing Level 1 and 2 ERA Reports, and $400/year in savings due to reduced sampling costs.
Implementing a compliance program that best fits the facility and its staff saves $500/year in reduced training frequency.
Savings of $2,000/year, as the facility will not be required to update its Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and site map to reflect Level 1 or 2 requirements, as they will be in Baseline.
Learn more about our California Stormwater Services ›
Project Engineer Jake Less studies the facility’s site map during discussion with client regarding sampling points.
Related Services:
KERAMIDA's Sacramento and L.A. offices provide Sustainability, Environmental, Health and Safety services tailored to meet the needs of California business and industry. Our Qualified Industrial Storm Water Practitioners (QISPs) assist with stormwater compliance, industrial stormwater permitting, SWPPPs, and more.