Our Air Quality Management Services include:

  • Title V Permitting

  • PSD Evaluation & Permitting

  • MACT Applicability / Compliance

  • O&M Plans

  • Emission Inventories / Reporting

  • Air Compliance Support

  • Technology Assessment (BACT/LAER)

  • New Source Reviews

  • Compliance Audits

  • New Facility Air Permitting ›

  • Air Quality Dispersion Modeling

  • Emission Risk Modeling

  • Residual Risk Determination

  • Stack Test Oversight / Compliance

  • Demonstration Support

  • Ventilation Studies / Corrective Action (in collaboration with KBD)

  • Indoor Air Quality

  • Ambient Air Quality

  • Energy Use Audit / CO2 Reduction Strategies

  • Strategic Planning

  • Expert Testimony

Title V Air Operating Permitting Support

KERAMIDA's air permitting consultants have extensive experience providing Title V and other air permitting assistance to industrial clients nationwide. Our clients include facilities in a wide range of industrial classifications, including automotive parts manufacturing facilities, plastic molding and surface coating facilities, chemical manufacturing plants, engine manufacturing and testing facilities, foundries, steel mills, pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities, food processing plants, smelters, cement plants, wood furniture manufacturing plants, graphic arts facilities, and a variety of surface coating facilities. 

We tailor each project to meet the individual needs of our clients. Our typical projects involve:

  • The preparation of emission inventories

  • Assessments of the adequacy of the inventory information and recommendations for additional data gathering

  • Detailed compilations of air regulatory and permit requirements

  • Compliance assessments relative to existing regulatory and permit requirements as well as procedural requirements

  • Preparation of recommendations for bringing non-complying sources into compliance

  • Assessments of the regulatory requirements of the Title V program with emphasis on operational flexibility, enhanced monitoring and compliance monitoring, and preparation of the actual Title V permit application and Compliance Assurance Monitoring plan

MACT Standards

On behalf of American Foundry Society (AFS), KERAMIDA participated in the development of information to support scientifically correct MACT standards for the Foundry Industry.


Air Compliance Consulting and Risk Management Plans

Our services include the preparation of Risk Management Plans, and evaluation of MACT applicability. Our air compliance consultants have conducted specific compliance assessments for our clients, and have formulated strategies for achieving exemption from enhanced monitoring, and for addressing malfunctioning control equipment, unpermitted sources, failure to submit required reports, and non-achievable permit limitations. In addition to the preparation of compliance assessments and strategies, we have also provided technical and regulatory support in enforcement negotiations with regulatory agencies, in litigation proceedings, and in public hearings involving permits and siting of new industrial facilities.

Air Emissions Inventory Preparation

KERAMIDA has prepared a great number of emission inventories for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Annual emission statements

  • Title V air permits

  • Construction permit applications

  • Form R reporting

  • Air modeling studies

KERAMIDA's projects have included the development of inventories for a wide range of industrial process equipment, storage tanks, chemical plant fugitive emissions, combustion sources, surface coating operations, wastewater operations, and batch processes.  Our professionals use their extensive regulatory expertise and emission inventory experience to provide cost-effective permitting and compliance strategies to our industrial clients.

Stack Testing Services

KERAMIDA provides oversight of comprehensive stack testing projects which includes:

  • Evaluations of testing needs

  • Preparation of testing protocols

  • Assessments of the regulatory or technical implications of the stack testing results

Our industrial clients have used our services to meet a variety of testing needs including:

  • Evaluations of regulatory requirements

  • Compliance testing

  • Emission factor development

  • Process analysis

Stack Testing

Stack Testing

Air Inspections

KERAMIDA has experience conducting daily compliance inspections of coke oven batteries using inspectors with Method 303 certifications. We have several staff with Method 9-Visible Emissions certifications. We provide our clients with oversight of Visible Emissions Readings and Stack Testing for compliance certifications or ongoing compliance evaluations.

Air Technology Assessments

KERAMIDA has helped a number of industrial sources prepare assessments of Best Available Control Technology (BACT) in support of construction permit applications under both state and federal air permitting regulations. 

Air Construction Permitting Assistance

KERAMIDA has helped numerous clients to obtain air construction permits including foundries, surface coating operations, pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities, food processing facilities, automotive parts facilities and Portland cement manufacturing facilities.

KERAMIDA's construction permit projects include facilities seeking major and minor source permits and facilities in both attainment and nonattainment areas. Our construction permit services include:

  • Preparation of forms and assessments required by the regulatory agencies

  • Modeling

  • Providing strategic advice on the permit process

  • Interfacing with the regulatory agencies in order to ensure that permits are reviewed on a timely basis and that permit conditions are appropriately established

  • Providing support during public hearings

  • Review of draft permits and preparation of comments to the regulatory agencies

Air Quality Modeling

Air quality modeling is used to:

  • Support applications for major source modifications under the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permit program

  • Support amendments to emission limitations in existing Particulate Matter and SO2 regulations

  • Assess the ambient concentrations of Hazardous Air Pollutants, including the environmental impacts of toxic and flammable materials under the Risk Management Planning requirements of Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act

KERAMIDA has performed modeling assessments to successfully support all of these objectives for industrial clients. We perform both screening and refined modeling projects for a variety of pollutants including PM, PM10, SO2, Ozone, NO2, CO, Lead, and Hazardous Air Pollutants.

Air Program Training

KERAMIDA's air quality management consultants have extensive experience providing numerous workshops and presenting talks on a wide range of air topics at national and regional conferences. We provide direct training assistance to our industrial clients by presenting in-house technical training sessions and by developing training materials for our clients' specific training needs. Learn more about our EHS Training Services ›

KERAMIDA's Air Quality Team are experts in their fields, lecturing extensively in national conferences.


Our senior air quality consultants routinely work with federal and state agencies at all levels assisting clients, nationwide, and are involved in the development of regulations through many industry and trade associations. This allows KERAMIDA to strategically interpret current regulations and anticipate future trends and requirements. Our air quality consultants carefully review our industrial partners' project goals and facility plans to devise an approach that results in the most beneficial compliance and permitting strategy. 

KERAMIDA's air quality services range from process engineering based-emission calculations, and operation and construction permits (e.g., Title V, FESOP, PSD) to more advanced services, including New Source Review (NSR) evaluations and Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) look backs, MACT, GACT, NSPS, BACT, LAER, and RACT analyses, air emission reduction strategies, detailed air dispersion modeling, air toxics control and compliance, residual risk evaluation, CO2 and energy reduction assistance, and conceptual design of air pollution control devices. 

Our staff is experienced in conducting multi-pathway air risk assessments in support of air permit needs for industrial facilities. We also conduct these assessments for litigation support and various state air toxics program protocols. KERAMIDA's air quality clients cover every major business category, including:

  • steel

  • power

  • automotive

  • automotive suppliers

  • foundries

  • die casters

  • metal fabrication

  • airports

  • chemicals

  • pharmaceuticals

  • grain processors

  • petrochemicals

  • oil and gas

  • mining

  • plastics

  • coatings

  • aluminum processing

  • tool manufacturing

  • brick manufacturing

  • cement production

  • recreational vehicles

Our Air Quality Consulting clients also have the added benefit of Technikon's Air Emissions Research. 

In 2000, KERAMIDA's base expanded as the co-founder and co-owner of Technikon LLC, a California Research and Development Company formed to privatize a successful Department of Defense Research Program, the Casting Emissions Reduction Program (CERP). 

The knowledge KERAMIDA gains through its collaboration with Technikon, and its access to Technikon's research, is a priceless asset to our clients. Technikon researches emission measurement methods and assesses and validates reductions of air emissions through Green Manufacturing, accomplished through the use of alternative materials and processes. 

To date, Technikon and KERAMIDA have published over 130 research papers based on the research conducted at Technikon covering a wide range of air topics, including:

  • Foundry Process Emissions

    • Melting furnaces

    • Pouring, cooling and shakeout

    • Core make emissions

  • Process Variability and Its Effect on HAP Emissions

  • HAP Emissions Stack Testing Protocols

    • Procedural refinements

    • Repeatability studies

  • 2.5 Particulate Emission Research

    • Relationship between particulate emissions and condensable particulate emissions

    • Comparisons between particulate emission protocols

  • Volatile Organic Emissions

    • Emission variability

    • Emission testing protocols

  • Energy Studies


The effect of process changes on emissions has been a focus of several projects undertaken at Technikon, as it is an area not well understood by most regulators, researchers and consultants. Even though Technikon's research had focused on metal casting, a better understanding of the interrelationships amongst process variability, air emissions, and stack testing protocols benefits numerous other industrial sectors. 

Technikon has expanded and is now focused on light metals manufacturing research, applications of advanced manufacturing methods, and biomass to energy technology development and validation. 

What our clients are saying about our Air Quality Consulting Services:

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for the fantastic work your staff has done relative to our new North Carolina facility. They have been very helpful in our effort to obtain an operating permit for this facility and will continue to be an important part of our team as we move into the Title V phase of the project.
— Industrial Client
KERAMIDA is taking care of our air permit. I wouldn’t think about using anyone different.
— Corporate HSE Manager, Tier 1 Automotive Supplier (Air Permit)
We recently signed an agreed order concluding a protracted air enforcement action with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM). We were able to resolve this issue thanks in large part to the experience, advice, and access to IDEM officials. You were a tremendous asset for us in this effort, and I sincerely feel we would not have been able to conclude the action on such favorable terms or in the time we did without your help.
— Corporate Director of EHS at Major Power Company (Air Permit)
Thanks for the great work on this indoor air quality evaluation. I appreciate you taking the time to understand the specific needs of the project and coming through with an outstanding work product. Definitely value added!
— Airport Official (Indoor Air Quality Evaluation)
I was impressed with you and your firm’s responsiveness, in that I called you and you were able to provide the services I needed the next day. Your employee was highly qualified and experienced and responded with just what we needed in a very short time, with no wasted effort. He was a pleasure to work with.
— Corporate Director of EHS at Major Power Company (Air Permit)
I just wanted to send you a quick note telling how impressed I was with Ms. Moore (KERAMIDA), to whom you directed me for help on our air permit. She was very professional and responded quickly every time I had a question. If she was not clear on the answer and had to do some research, she got back to me via email or phone usually within an hour… Thanks again for the expertise KERAMIDA provided during the long months of achieving the end results of amending an air permit in Texas.
— Technical Services Manager for NIBCO, Inc. (Air Permit)

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