U.S. EPA Effluent Limitation Guidelines


On September 30, 2015, the U.S. EPA finalized its Effluent Limitations Guidelines (ELG) for the Steam Electric Power Generating point source category. The new rule focuses on fossil- and nuclear-powered steam generating plants whose primary purpose is to generate electricity for distribution and sale, and who discharge to surface water via an NPDES permit or to a POTW via a pre-treatment permit. The rule sets technology-based limitations on wastewater discharges, and includes the first limits on toxic metals in wastewater generated by power plants. The U.S. EPA projects a 1.4 billion pound reduction in toxic metals, nutrients, and other pollutants discharged by steam electric power plants, and a 57 billion gallon reduction in water withdrawal as a result of the revised rule.

Contact KERAMIDA today to learn more the EPA's Effluent Limitations Guidelines.


Mack Overton
Vice President, EHS Compliance Services

Contact Mack at moverton@keramida.com