Minimize environmental impacts with expert monitoring and environmental compliance services for utility-scale solar power development projects.
Our Solar Development Services:
Solar Site Pre-Construction Services
Geotechnical Investigations
Solar Power Plant Construction Support Services
ArcGIS Development
Detailed and geo-referenced site information concerning SPCC chemicals, material staging, environmental areas of concern, potential pollutants, etc.
What our Solar Power clients say:
“I recently worked with your KERAMIDA inspectors at the Madison Solar project in Orange County, VA while I was working for the county government. The crew conducted themselves very well, and were a credit to your company and to the project team.”
Environmental Services for Solar Power Development Projects
KERAMIDA has provided environmental permitting and inspections to over 30 solar electric power plants throughout the U.S.
The renewable energy sector is growing rapidly throughout the country. KERAMIDA provides environmental permitting, monitoring, and compliance services, including stormwater inspections and management, as a third-party inspector for solar energy development projects across the U.S.
Key Solar Power Development Project Experience:
KERAMIDA’s Environmental Inspector Certifications:
Commonwealth of Virginia State Water Control Board:
Erosion and Sediment Control Inspector
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Reviewer
Stormwater Management Inspector
Stormwater Management Plan Reviewer
OSHA 10-Hour (or greater) Construction
Qualified Preparer of Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans
Qualified Compliance Inspector of Stormwater
ENVIROCERT International, Inc.: Certified Erosion, Sediment and Storm Water Inspector (CESSWI)
Related Services:
KERAMIDA provides environmental, health and safety compliance services to a variety of industries. Our EHS regulatory compliance experts have extensive experience in auditing, permitting, and reporting for hazardous waste, hazardous materials, stormwater, air emissions, water discharges, worker safety, and more.
Analyze, visualize, manage, and present your environmental and sustainability data with GIS. KERAMIDA excels in helping clients find unique and innovative ways to answer complex questions utilizing field-driven data. Our GIS specialists use ArcGIS for data collection in the field for anything from Environmental Inspection to Quality Assurance.