Tim Higgins Receives the Indiana Chamber Volunteer of the Year Award
/KERAMIDA’s Tim Higgins Receives the Indiana Chamber’s Samuel C. Schlosser Volunteer of the Year Award
KERAMIDA is proud to announce that Tim Higgins, Vice President of Business Development, was honored with the Samuel C. Schlosser Volunteer of the Year Award at the Indiana Chamber of Commerce Annual Volunteer of the Year Awards Luncheon.
(From the left) Linda Higgins, Sara Guss, Kathy Moore, Brian Harrington, Steve Cobb, Vicky Keramida, Tim Higgins, Jeanette Higgins, Cheryl Apple, Wesley Fleming, Kristen Belcredi, and John Wellspring.
The award, presented by Vanessa Green Sinders, President and CEO of the Indiana Chamber of Commerce, and Sam Schlosser, President of Plymouth Foundry, recognizes Tim’s outstanding contributions and dedication to the Indiana business community and the goals and mission of the Indiana Chamber of Commerce. Through his leadership and volunteer efforts, Tim has made a lasting impact on both the local community and the broader business landscape in Indiana.
(From the left) Vanessa Green Sinders, Tim Higgins, and Sam Schlosser
(From the left) Vicky Keramida and Tim Higgins
KERAMIDA is proud to celebrate Tim’s well-deserved recognition and looks forward to his continued leadership in driving positive change within the business community. A big congratulations to fellow Volunteer of the Year recipients Gerry Dick of Inside INdiana Business and Shelley M. Jackson of Krieg DeVault LLP!
Read more about Tim's story in BizVoice.