Vicky Keramida Featured in Indiana Business Journal
/KERAMIDA CEO and Chief Technical Officer, Vicky Keramida, Ph.D., was one of the experts featured in the Indiana Business Journal (IBJ) article, “Green progress is aim of SEC reporting proposal for public companies.” The article interviewed several Indiana-based business leaders and attorneys about the SEC's proposed climate disclosure requirements.
“Vicky Keramida, founder and CEO of Indianapolis-based consulting firm Keramida Inc., said most public companies are already reporting the things the SEC proposal would mandate. “What the SEC is doing, most companies are already doing it.”
Even smaller, non-public companies might already be reporting climate-change information because they are suppliers to larger companies that require such reporting, Keramida said.
Her company advises businesses on environmental, health and safety, and sustainability matters. She acknowledged the scope 3 reporting is the biggest change. “Most people have not, until now, reported scope 3.”
She said the proposal might also reduce the prevalence of so-called “greenwashing,” which is when a company burnishes its image by announcing environmental goals without necessarily acting on them. If the company is required to put those goals in a public filing, Keramida said, it is more likely to be realistic about what it can actually accomplish.”
Read the entire article here: