Client Spotlight: Steel Dynamics Becomes the First Steel Manufacturer to Have Their CASEI and SBET Certified by GSCC

Client Spotlight: Steel Dynamics Becomes the First Steel Manufacturer to Have Their CASEI and SBET Certified by GSCC

We’re thrilled to announce that Steel Dynamics, Inc. has become the first steel producer to have both their Corporate Average Steel Emissions Intensity (CASEI) base year emissions and Science-Based Emissions Target (SBET) certified by the Global Steel Climate Council (GSCC)!

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Client Spotlight: KERAMIDA Supports Rinchem in Achieving SBTi Target Approval

Client Spotlight: KERAMIDA Supports Rinchem in Achieving SBTi Target Approval

KERAMIDA is proud to announce that our client, Rinchem Company, LLC, has successfully achieved approval of their Science-Based Target (SBT) from the SBTi, marking a significant milestone in their sustainability journey.

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Client Spotlight: Crum Trucking US EPA SmartWay High Performer

Client Spotlight: Crum Trucking US EPA SmartWay High Performer

We are thrilled to share some exciting news from our client, Crum Trucking Inc. Based on their outstanding performance in freight transportation, Crum Trucking has been named a US EPA 2024 SmartWay High Performer by the US EPA.

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