PFAS: An Emerging Contaminant of Concern - - EHS and Sustainability Conference

Welcome to the 2023 “Day at the Park” EHS and Sustainability Conference presented by KERAMIDA. KERAMIDA's John Young, Senior Project Manager of Land Services, discusses the hot topic of PFAS and gives a brief introduction to per and poly fluoralkyl substances before providing an update into regulatory action.

At the federal level, the EPA has been using a systematic approach to building policy and precedent to protect public health and the environment from effects of PFAS exposure. This is notably marked by the 2021 release of the PFAS Strategic Roadmap. From there the EPA has established health advisory limits, Maximum Contaminant Level Goals (MCLGs), and proposed Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for drinking water standards.

The EPA has also proposed several PFAS species as hazardous substances under CERCLA. On the state level, IDEM is not stepping out of line with federal action by passing any legislation more restrictive or protective than the federal government. IDEM is adding species of PFAS to the R2 Published Level Tables as toxicological data becomes available. IDEM also recently completed analysis of many public drinking water suppliers throughout Indiana in preparation of MCL rules which will limit the amount of PFAS acceptable in drinking water supplies. More rules and regulations surrounding this emerging contaminant of concern are sure to follow.

View all 2023 “Day at the Park” Conference Videos here.

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Air Emissions Reporting | What's Changing? - 2023 EHS and Sustainability Conference

Welcome to the 2023 “Day at the Park” EHS and Sustainability Conference presented by KERAMIDA. In this presentation, KERAMIDA's Kathy Moore, Vice President of Air Services, breaks down the proposed revisions to air emissions reporting requirements in 2023.

What's changing? This talk covers the key amendments and their potential impact on industries including electronic reporting, provisions to reduce the burden on small businesses, the proposed Phase-In of stationary point source reporting, and much more!

View all 2023 “Day at the Park” Conference Videos here.

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Indiana's New Industrial Stormwater Permit Overview - EHS and Sustainability Confere

Indiana has not updated its Industrial Stormwater Discharge General Permit “Rule 6” regulations since 2003. This presentation summarizes what IDEM (Indiana Department of Environmental Management) has been doing in the past couple of years to update its program. At a national and state level, additions have been made in the last 20 years to the regulatory framework for manufacturers and other parts of the supply chain regarding stormwater monitoring and quality standards. In 2021, the EPA issued its Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) and many states have used that as a guide to update their general permits.

Likewise, Indiana is in the process of updating its stormwater permitting requirements. In July 2022, a draft permit was sent to EPA. Between October 2022 and March 2023, IDEM collaborated with a workgroup of interested parties to further refine the draft permit. A revised draft permit will be provided to EPA again prior to putting the draft permit out for public comment. The public comment phase will occur in 2024, followed by issuance of the final permit. Potential changes in the current Indiana general permit include monitoring for additional pollutants and more frequent monitoring. The additional pollutants will be specific to the permittee’s business sector (i.e. SIC code). Regardless of the sector, the permittee will need to compare their monitoring results to numerical benchmarks. If the benchmarks are exceeded, the permittee will be required to implement corrective measures with the goal of lowering the concentrations in the runoff and achieving the benchmark levels. Success in the quality improvements will be based on quarterly sampling that must continue until the benchmark goals are achieved. Permittees will also need to know more about the stream that receives their stormwater. Is the stream an “impaired water”? Is there a TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load)? These designations are made by IDEM and are longstanding programs in the agency’s management of waters of the state. However, the new General Permit will be the first widespread application of these programs to stormwater runoff from industrial sites. KERAMIDA’s forecast? The IDEM Stormwater General Permit for Industrial Activities will be on the Bestsellers Reading list for Environmental Managers in 2024.

KERAMIDA’s recommendations? Before the permit is issued, identify your 1) sector, 2) benchmarks, and 3) receiving water status. Then determine how you may be impacted by the new permit requirements.

View all 2023 “Day at the Park” Conference Videos here.

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Indiana R2 and Companion Program Risk-Based Closure Guides - 2023 EHS and Sustainability Conference

Welcome to the 2023 "Day at the Park" EHS and Sustainability Conference presented by KERAMIDA. In this talk, KERAMIDA's Mike Devir, Senior Engineer of Land Services, and Brian Harrington, Senior Vice President of Land Services, discuss the specifics of Indiana's Risk-Based Closure Guide (R2) and Companion Program Guides. This talk outlines the primary and notable updates to the guides, including vapor intrusion and contaminated soil policies.

View all 2023 “Day at the Park” Conference Videos here.

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Integration of GHG and Air Co-Pollutants - 2023 Sustainability and Climate Leadership Conference

Welcome to the Indiana Chamber of Commerce – 2023 Sustainability & Climate Leadership Conference: Presented by KERAMIDA. The demand for emissions reporting is at an all-time high. By relying on the well-established understanding of the sources of GHG emissions and air co-pollutants, companies can align compliance and sustainability demands.

In this talk, Wesley Fleming, Vice President of KERAMIDA's Air & Compliance Engineering Services, explains how managing both GHG and co-pollutants effectively leads to increased efficiency and accuracy and strategic reduction opportunities.

View all Indiana Chamber of Commerce – 2023 Sustainability & Climate Leadership Conference videos here.

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